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Premato Raa french Free Download

Premato Raa

Premato Raa

Premato Raa is romantic based movie in which, Chandu (Venky) and Vijay (Suresh) are brothers. They belong to a wealthy family where the elder brother Vijay is responsible and take care of the business. The younger one Chandu is a spoilt brat and a womanizer.Vijay is in love with Sandhya (Prema). Chandu happens to visit Ooty and gets bowled by a damsel Geeta (Simran). But he comes to know that Geeta is a tough nut to crack. So he plays different tricks to attract her. One fine day he expresses his love to her and duly deflowers her. Right the next day he takes train to Hyderabad without informing Geeta and attends the marriage of his brother Vijay and Sandhya. At the time of marriage Sandhya enters the scene with Geeta claiming that Geeta is the younger sister of her and Geeta was used by Chandu to satisfy his lust. Sandhya breaks the marriage with Vijay. rest of the story is about how Chandu change his behaviour and makes his brother Vijay  

Premato Raa french Free Download

Premato Raa is romantic based movie in which, Chandu (Venky) and Vijay (Suresh) are brothers. They belong to a wealthy family where the elder brother Vijay is responsible and take care of the business. The younger one Chandu is a spoilt brat and a womanizer.Vijay is in love with Sandhya (Prema). Chandu happens to visit Ooty and gets bowled by a damsel Geeta (Simran). But he comes to know that Geeta is a tough nut to crack. So he plays different tricks to attract her. One fine day he expresses his love to her and duly deflowers her. Right the next day he takes train to Hyderabad without informing Geeta and attends the marriage of his brother Vijay and Sandhya. At the time of marriage Sandhya enters the scene with Geeta claiming that Geeta is the younger sister of her and Geeta was used by Chandu to satisfy his lust. Sandhya breaks the marriage with Vijay. rest of the story is about how Chandu change his behaviour and makes his brother Vijay.

Liens de téléchargement et de streaming

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