télécharger le film Billy T James - Alive and Gigging french

Billy T James - Alive and Gigging french Free Download

Billy T James - Alive and Gigging

Billy T James - Alive and Gigging

In April 1990, Billy Taitoko James came back from years of ill health, and made a triumphant return to performing his unique brand of music and comedy. It was a last hurrah for James, whose transplanted heart gave out on him the following year, but it's a worthy swansong. His unique brand of humour is captured here at its affable, non-PC, best, with Billy T giving everything he's got - every gag is rounded off with his trademark 'bro' laugh - for a loudly appreciative audience. Guests include Sir Howard Morrison.  

Billy T James - Alive and Gigging french Free Download

In April 1990, Billy Taitoko James came back from years of ill health, and made a triumphant return to performing his unique brand of music and comedy. It was a last hurrah for James, whose transplanted heart gave out on him the following year, but it's a worthy swansong. His unique brand of humour is captured here at its affable, non-PC, best, with Billy T giving everything he's got - every gag is rounded off with his trademark 'bro' laugh - for a loudly appreciative audience. Guests include Sir Howard Morrison..

Liens de téléchargement et de streaming

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Mots clés pour Billy T James - Alive and Gigging

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  • Billy T James - Alive and Gigging français
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