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Freaky Profiling french Free Download

Freaky Profiling

Freaky Profiling

The movie opens with tension running high as a black woman is stopped by three white police officers. After being shoved to the ground, she dies from head injuries. Micah a black activist in the city is very angry at police officers and is leading the community to retaliate like Malcom X but he is switched with a white police officer just like in freaky Friday. He wakes up as a white police officer and the officer wakes up black. The two of them soon realize what it is like to walk in other peoples shoes and learn to grow empathy for each other. The two characters bond before switching back and now their outlook on the protest is completely different. Now Micah sees that not all police officers are bad and if they want to achieve true justice it will take everyone black and white working together.  

Freaky Profiling french Free Download

The movie opens with tension running high as a black woman is stopped by three white police officers. After being shoved to the ground, she dies from head injuries. Micah a black activist in the city is very angry at police officers and is leading the community to retaliate like Malcom X but he is switched with a white police officer just like in freaky Friday. He wakes up as a white police officer and the officer wakes up black. The two of them soon realize what it is like to walk in other peoples shoes and learn to grow empathy for each other. The two characters bond before switching back and now their outlook on the protest is completely different. Now Micah sees that not all police officers are bad and if they want to achieve true justice it will take everyone black and white working together..

Liens de téléchargement et de streaming

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